I thought I would share this little tip with you. I use this system for viewing exactly what is in my folders at a quick glance without having to open them up. I’m on my desktop upstairs and have mostly Photoshop and Scrapbooking files on this computer. But this system also works with any type of files you have. Ex. cutting files.
Ok, this is a partial view of what is in my Designer Resource Folder. As you can see I can see exactly what is in each folder.
Now, say for an example you purchase a cutting set from your favorite store. I will be using ScrappyDew Designs as my example. If you click Here you can download this cute gorilla for free, scroll down halfway and there is a link to download.
After you download the file and unzip it, this is what you have.
Ok, now what you will do is Right Click on the Gorilla–Select Rename–and Rename it Folder.
You are going to make sure you have thumbnails selected for your view, I have XP on this computer, your icon will look different in Vsta and Windows 7.
Now close out your folder and this is what you should see. A pic of the gorilla! Now if you have a couple gorilla files and are looking for a specific one you can see it at a glance.
Now, if you are downloading a freebie from say SVGCuts, there is usually no picture of what is in the folder. What I do is download the freebie from their blog and Unzip it. Then I Right Click on the image of the free file they are offering and save it into the folder and just rename the image Folder.
I’ll do the same with purchased files, sometimes there is no jpeg of the file you are purchasing. So after I purchase the file and download it, I will go back to the site and save the image of the file I purchased and rename it. Now you have a quick glance of what is inside all your folders.
I hope this helps someone, I know most people know about this trick but thought I would share it in case someone is not aware of it.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thanks Michelle!